Welcome to ArtMoonKi

Please peruse my paintings and let me know what you think of them. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed painting them.
ArtMoonKi x

30 September, 2010

Fairyland paintings

Hi there.

One of my dear friends Jen (hi there!) asked me to do a couple of paintings for her and simply said what colours she wanted. I decided to try something a little different, and the results are to the right in the fairyland page. As you will see there is something of the surreal about them with crazy colours, purple toadstools and a mix of gold and silver leaf. I hope you like them. xxxx

08 September, 2010

Cockerels, lots of them

Earlier this summer I was compelled to draw a painting suitable for a kitchen. A strange compulsion but hey I like the results, I hope you do too, check it out on the Cockerel page to the right.